Personal Growth Retreat

Personal Growth Retreat

Personal Growth Retreat

I help people realize their personal value, restore their integrity, understand their purpose, build their inner core, understand what they want from life, set goals correctly, find the resources to move towards them.

After this retreat, you will begin to better understand yourself, listen to your desires, consciously make your choice, manage your time and energy correctly, understand how to bring your life into balance, figure out how to set goals and achieve them correctly.

Constantly applying the knowledge gained in life, you will become conscious and free, you will act on the basis of your purpose, in 

accordance with your goals and values, you will not wait for something to change by itself, you yourself will change your life in the direction that choose for yourself. These actions will take you to a new level of life.

For appointments

phone +1 (786) 690-3244 or you can write

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